Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Interview Questions - Analog IC design
Hi folks,
I have collected these QUestions from frens, web, campus experience .....
If u have Questions please send me @ my mail id. I'll update the blog.
1. A BJT has it's base connected to i/p ( sinusoidal signal with Vp = 5v , Vpp = 10v), collector
tied to Vcc = 5v and emitter connected to Vee= -5v through 100K resistor.
Plot output. [MOTOROLA]
2. A PLL has it's direct i/p from a divide by N counter and feedback i/p from divide by M
counter. what would be the output frequency? [SASKEN]
3.For low noise applications Transistors used should be wide or narrow ? why ? [Analog]
4.What is Miller Compensation? [TI]
5.For an Op-Amp, offset at the input is 5mv.If Voltage Gain is 10,000 and Vsat = +/-15v,
what is the o/p voltage with both i/ps of Op-Amp are shorted. [intel]
6.An Op-Amp has it's o/p connected back to it's non-inverting terminal and input is given to
the same i/p terminal with the other i/p terminal grounded. what will be the o/p or th circuit acts as a____________ ? [TI]
7.A BJT has it's base connected to a 1V dc battery through 52K resistor, it's emitter is grounded
and collector is connected to Vcc=10v through 10K(Rc) resistor.Calculate the currnet flowing through resistor,Rc(10K ) ,if Beta = 200. [MOTOROLA]
8.Given a RL ckt ( with o/p taken across L ) and a square wave applied as i/p to the series RL ckt with peak value of +/- Vmax. Plot the o/p for different normalized time constants ( small, medium, large). [ST]
9.Given an Op-Amp ckt with i/p applied to non-inverting i/p terminal and o/p fedback to oinverting terminal with resistive feedback and beta( feedback factor equal to 1/2).
Input applied is sinusoidal signal with peak value of 4 V. Op-Amp supply voltages are +/-5V.
Plot output. [ST].
10.If X1(t) is a ectangular pulse from -T to T with amplitude of 1 and X2(t) is a series of three delta functions at -3T O and 3T.Plot X1(t) * X2(t) where * is symbol for convolution.[ST].
11.What is the circut given below
this resistor shunts inverter-----/\/\/\-------
input _______/\/\/\/----0-------INV------0--------o/p
INV is a inverter.
a) Latch b) Amplifier c) Schmitt trigger [Analog]
12.In a BJT ckt i/p to the base of the BJT is given through a resistor to which a capacitor is connected in parallel.What is the capacitor used for
a) to improve switching b) dc coupling c) ac coupling [Analog]
I have collected these QUestions from frens, web, campus experience .....
If u have Questions please send me @ my mail id. I'll update the blog.
1. A BJT has it's base connected to i/p ( sinusoidal signal with Vp = 5v , Vpp = 10v), collector
tied to Vcc = 5v and emitter connected to Vee= -5v through 100K resistor.
Plot output. [MOTOROLA]
2. A PLL has it's direct i/p from a divide by N counter and feedback i/p from divide by M
counter. what would be the output frequency? [SASKEN]
3.For low noise applications Transistors used should be wide or narrow ? why ? [Analog]
4.What is Miller Compensation? [TI]
5.For an Op-Amp, offset at the input is 5mv.If Voltage Gain is 10,000 and Vsat = +/-15v,
what is the o/p voltage with both i/ps of Op-Amp are shorted. [intel]
6.An Op-Amp has it's o/p connected back to it's non-inverting terminal and input is given to
the same i/p terminal with the other i/p terminal grounded. what will be the o/p or th circuit acts as a____________ ? [TI]
7.A BJT has it's base connected to a 1V dc battery through 52K resistor, it's emitter is grounded
and collector is connected to Vcc=10v through 10K(Rc) resistor.Calculate the currnet flowing through resistor,Rc(10K ) ,if Beta = 200. [MOTOROLA]
8.Given a RL ckt ( with o/p taken across L ) and a square wave applied as i/p to the series RL ckt with peak value of +/- Vmax. Plot the o/p for different normalized time constants ( small, medium, large). [ST]
9.Given an Op-Amp ckt with i/p applied to non-inverting i/p terminal and o/p fedback to oinverting terminal with resistive feedback and beta( feedback factor equal to 1/2).
Input applied is sinusoidal signal with peak value of 4 V. Op-Amp supply voltages are +/-5V.
Plot output. [ST].
10.If X1(t) is a ectangular pulse from -T to T with amplitude of 1 and X2(t) is a series of three delta functions at -3T O and 3T.Plot X1(t) * X2(t) where * is symbol for convolution.[ST].
11.What is the circut given below
this resistor shunts inverter-----/\/\/\-------
input _______/\/\/\/----0-------INV------0--------o/p
INV is a inverter.
a) Latch b) Amplifier c) Schmitt trigger [Analog]
12.In a BJT ckt i/p to the base of the BJT is given through a resistor to which a capacitor is connected in parallel.What is the capacitor used for
a) to improve switching b) dc coupling c) ac coupling [Analog]